Linking CGHS and ABHA IDs will streamline healthcare, promote digital health: Experts, ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Experts and doctors have lauded the mandatory linking of CGHS beneficiary IDs with ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) numbers and termed it as a significant stride towards revolutionizing healthcare accessibility and digital health management. The pioneering move holds immense potential to reshape the healthcare landscape, offering a seamless integration of healthcare services and enhancing patient-centric care, they said.
By consolidating digital health records and facilitating interoperability between platforms, this initiative promises to streamline healthcare services, improve patient identification and elevate the standard of care across the nation, experts stated.
Dr Shuchin Bajaj, Founder and Director Ujala Cygnus group of Hospitals, said the linking of CGHS beneficiary IDs with ABHA IDs holds significant implications for healthcare accessibility and digital health management.
“By integrating these IDs, the government aims to streamline healthcare services, enhance patient identification and facilitate the seamless sharing of digital health records across platforms,” Dr Bajaj said.
“This move not only fosters a more cohesive and efficient healthcare ecosystem but also lays the foundation for comprehensive healthcare delivery and monitoring,” he added.
Dr Bajaj further said the initiative expands beneficiaries’ hospital choices by integrating various health insurance schemes under the ABHA platform.
This wider network empowers the CGHS beneficiaries to seek specialized treatments beyond the confines of the CGHS network, enhancing healthcare options and promoting patient autonomy, he added.
Despite its transformative potential, the initiative is not without its challenges. Addressing privacy concerns surrounding the electronic sharing of sensitive medical data remains paramount.
“Upgrading IT infrastructure and training staff to handle ABHA could be an initial burden for hospitals. Apart from that, there are interoperability challenges, which means the smooth exchange of data between different healthcare systems needs to be ensured for ABHA to function effectively,” emphasized Dr Girdhar Gyani, Founder Director, Association of Healthcare Providers (AHPI) healthcare policy advisor.
Overall, linking CGHS beneficiary IDs and ABHA IDs has the potential to be a positive development for both beneficiaries and hospitals, he said.
“However, addressing privacy concerns, ensuring digital access for all and providing incentives for hospitals are crucial for a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of this initiative,” Dr Gyani said.
Dr Sachin Shah, Director, Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Services, Surya Mother and Child Super Speciality Hospital, Pune, said the directive requiring all CGHS beneficiaries to link their CGHS beneficiary ID with their ABHA ID aims to consolidate various government healthcare programmes under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission.
“This linkage will further establish a digital health identity for CGHS beneficiaries, enabling secure storage of their digital health records within the ABDM framework. Moreover, this unification would streamline access to various healthcare schemes on a single platform,” Dr Shah said.
“Furthermore, this ID integration is anticipated to result in an expansion of the treatment provider network accessible to patients. This translates to a broader spectrum of hospital options available for selection,” he added.
According to the Health Ministry, the move is aimed at creating a digital health identification of the beneficiaries and storing their digital health records.
The ministry had last week said the government has no ulterior motive behind linking the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiary IDs to the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) numbers.
“ABHA isn’t some sneaky way for the government to track money. In fact, it is not linked to any monetary or fiscal scheme of the government. It is being rolled out across government health programmes such as Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Non- Communicable Disease (NCD), Nikshay, U-win (Universal-immunisation), E-Sanjeevani (teleconsultation), PMJAY, Poshan (Anganwadi) etc.,” the ministry had said in a statement.
“The government doesn’t have any ulterior motive to hide nor does it need to. ABHA will eventually apply to all Indian citizens at every health facility,” it clarified.
The health ministry said this initiative will allow the CGHS beneficiaries to access their health records on their mobile phones, thus saving money spent on repeating tests.
The ministry has also extended the deadline for linking of the ABHA number with the CGHS ID for 120 days or four months with effect from June 30, 2024.
It said in an office memorandum that kiosks would be made operational at all wellness centres by June 30 to assist the CGHS beneficiaries.
The ministry had earlier said that Central government employees have to mandatorily link their CGHS beneficiary IDs with ABHA numbers from April 1, 2024.